Breast Revision Recovery
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Breast Revision Recovery

How long is recovery for a breast implant revision? 

Full recovery from breast implant removal and replacement is generally six weeks. Full breast implant revision recovery refers to returning to all normal activities including weightlifting, running, and intensive physical activity. Patients should allow at least six weeks before getting back into anything that is physically intensive. This being said, most patients are feeling relatively normal after one week and can return to most light activities and day-to-day functions. The recovery from breast implants removal and replacement is usually less intensive than from the original breast augmentation mammoplasty, but this is not always the case, and you should plan for adequate rest during your post-surgical period.

How long should I take off work after breast implant removal and replacement?

It is recommended that patients take one week off work for office jobs and sedentary occupations, and two weeks for more active jobs. If your job requires you to engage in any strenuous activity or heavy lifting you should seek exemption from these activities for six weeks. You should also ensure that you are no longer on the stronger painkillers before returning to work. 

Breast Revision: Before & Afters

How long after breast implant revision can I start driving again?

Dr. Richardson recommends that patients refrain from driving for one week after their breast implant revision surgery. The primary reason is due to the likelihood of the patient still being on painkillers during this week. The secondary reason is to avoid any upper body strain in the early stages of recovery and avoid any dangerous situations that may arise from restricted mobility in the upper body. 

How long until I can get back to the gym after breast implant revision?

Dr. Richardson recommends that patients who are having breast revision surgery proceed with caution when returning to the gym. The main consideration for patients wanting to get back to the gym is you should not engage in any physical activity that significantly elevates your heart rate for the first six weeks after surgery. This is to ensure the safety of the patient and optimal healing. After one week patients are able to return to light walking around the block at very manageable pace. At three weeks patients are able to go back to the gym and resume light lower body exercise- nothing that engages the upper body. From six weeks patients can return to any and all normal exercise including weightlifting.

How long until I can go swimming after breast implant removal and replacement?

Dr. Richardson says that after three weeks breast revision patients are able to submerge themselves in the pool or ocean but should avoid actual swimming or going into any deep waters for six weeks. 

How painful is breast implant revision recovery?

Pain after breast implant revision surgery is generally very manageable with the prescribed pain relief, and often patients find they do not need the stronger pain relief during recovery. Breast implant revision is an invasive surgery and as such, there will be a level of pain and discomfort during the recovery period.

Do you have questions about breast implant revision recovery? Are you interested in breast implant revision in Brisbane? Contact Dr. Richardson’s team to obtain a detailed information pack. You can see before and after photos of real patients in our gallery or on our Instagram.



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