Excessively large, long, or drooping nipples can be an unsightly source of embarrassment for some women. They protrude and are hard to conceal, resulting in unwelcome glances or comments. Certain clothing styles are not an option, out of fear that the enlarged nipples will show through the fabric.
Regardless of whether or not the condition is solitary, or if it is associated with extra-large, tuberous, or sagging breasts, nipple reduction in Brisbane can be a vital part of breast reconstruction surgery. When combined with other procedures, it is the finishing touch to achieve the most aesthetically appealing results.
How do enlarged nipples develop?
Can nipple enlargement be surgically repaired?
Dr. Philip Richardson is a skilled plastic surgeon with expertise in performing breast reconstruction procedures. During nipple reduction surgery, Dr. Richardson will reduce your nipples to a more appropriate size creating symmetry and harmony. This corrective surgery can be performed on women and men and is sometimes combined with other breast reconstructive procedures such as gynecomastia reduction, areola reduction, breast lift or breast reduction. Although it is rare, nipple reduction in Brisbane may be combined with inverted nipple correction surgery.
What can I expect during nipple reduction surgery in Brisbane?
Surgery can improve the appearance of enlarged nipples, and abnormally large, or puffy areolas to enhance the size, and shape of your breasts. During the procedure, Dr. Richardson administers a local anesthesia and the surgery is usually completed in about an hour. Patients return home the same day.
How is the nipple reduction procedure performed?
The process starts with a small incision on the nipple, if the patient needs areola reduction, the incision is made around the areola. In both procedures, the incisions tend to heal very quickly. Excess tissue is removed from the site of the incision. Sutures are then used to close the opening and a dressing is placed over the area. Dr. Richardson may position a surgical bra over the breasts following surgery to hold them in place for optimal healing.
Am I a good candidate for nipple reduction surgery in Brisbane?
Any individual with enlarged, excessively long, or droopy nipples, who is in good health, and understands all of the possible limitations, and likely results of nipple reduction in Brisbane, is an ideal candidate.