Brisbane Breast Augmentation Pre-surgical Tips, Instructions | Brisbane Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery
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Guidance Before Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty

28th Aug, 2013

55601074-4-xsBreast augmentation mammoplasty can be considered by individuals seeking changes to their body contour. The decision to undergo such a procedure is personal and should be made with thorough education and support. It’s important to follow pre-procedure instructions to support a smooth process and recovery.

Pre-procedure Instructions

It’s essential to adhere to the guidance provided by your surgeon, which may include:

  • Smoking Cessation: It’s imperative to cease smoking at least two weeks before and after the procedure to support the healing process.
  • Medical Testing: Complete any medical evaluations recommended to confirm your suitability for the procedure.
  • Appropriate Attire: Choose loose-fitting attire for the day of the procedure, preferably tops that don’t require overhead lifting to remove.
  • Medication Review: Discuss all current medications with your surgeon to identify any that may affect recovery.
  • Health Precautions: Maintain good health by practicing hygiene and avoiding contact with unwell individuals.
  • Preparation of Necessities: Collect any prescribed medications and recovery aids in advance.
  • Home Preparation: Stock up on easy-to-prepare foods and entertainment options for your recovery period.
  • Support Arrangements: Ensure you have someone to transport you to and from the facility and to assist post-procedure.
  • Skin Care: Avoid applying any products to your skin on the day of the procedure.
  • Personal Hygiene: Shower before your procedure, avoiding the application of any products afterward.
  • Child Care: Organize care for any dependents during your initial recovery phase.
  • Fasting: Abstain from eating or drinking for the specified time before your procedure.

Scheduling a Consultation

For a comprehensive discussion about the procedure and personalized guidance, book a consultation with Dr. Phil Richardson at Brisbane Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery. We are here to provide information and support for your journey.

Posted on August 28, 2013 By , in
Dr. Philip Richardson

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