For many women, the decision to undergo breast augmentation surgery is one that has been considered for many years. For others, lifestyle factors such as breast feeding, pregnancy, and weight-loss can create a newfound desire to undergo cosmetic enhancement.
In either instance, the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery is a significant and impactful one. Often patients have reservations due to fear of risks and complications, as well as common misconceptions regarding breast implants. The process of deciding whether breast augmentation is right for you should be a strategic consideration of the pros and cons of the procedure, and should be informed by involved research and consultation with a qualified plastic, reconstructive, and cosmetic surgeon. This blog post is intended to provide women considering breast augmentation surgery with a summary of the pros and cons of having breast implants and undergoing breast augmentation in Brisbane.
Restoring Proportions
For many women, the primary goal of undergoing a breast augmentation procedure is to achieve a more proportionate figure. Manipulating the size and shape of the breasts can help slim down the appearance of other areas, and achieve what may be considered a more feminine silhouette and profile. Dr. Philip Richardson has helped many patients achieve their goal of a more proportionate figure. Here are some examples of how breast implants have been used to enhance the feminine silhouette:
Breast Augmentation by Dr. Richardson
Breast Augmentation by Dr. Richardson
Provides guaranteed size increase and enhanced profile of the breasts
Unlike more conservative methods such as fat grafting to the breasts--which has unpredictable outcomes and can often require two or three repeat operations—breast implant surgery will provide patients with a guaranteed size increase. Regardless of the type of implant, incisional site, or technique, breast augmentation will inevitably give women larger breasts than what they began with. While there has been many attempts in the fields of natural medicine and supplements to create alternate methods of increasing breast size, there is no remedy or treatment that can achieve comparable results. There are also significant health concerns attached to these supplements that claim to increase breast size, as many are not FDA approved and aim to affect hormones which can cause a myriad of other issues. Breast augmentation is invariably the most effective and consistently successful method of enhancing breast size.
Long-term results
Breast implants provide patients with long-term results. There is a common misconception that breast implants must be replaced every ten years, however this is not the case. Ever since the FDA in 2011 reported on the safety of silicone implants, the number “10” has stuck in peoples’ minds as the standard lifetime of an implant. This number was certainly taken out of context. The FDA’s finding was that as at 2011, 20% of augmentation patients required operation within the first 10 years. According to Lawton (2018) this included patients who chose to change their implants for lifestyle and aesthetic purposes (eg. wanting to increase size). This suggests that well over 80% of patients still enjoyed the longevity of their implants well past the ten year mark. In the 8 years since this study there have also been significant advances and improvements to implant technology and breast augmentation practices, making them safer and more reliable than ever before. This suggests that the “20%” re-operation rate is likely much lower today.
New implant technologies are now safer and more natural looking (Motiva)
As mentioned, there have been significant advances in implant technologies which have not only enhanced safety outcomes for patients, but also improved aesthetic outcomes considerably. Motiva implants are the most advanced implant on the market currently, offering over 500 implant varieties. Motiva implants have a smooth surface, negating the risks associated with textured breast implants and ALCL, which we talk more about here. Motiva implants are round implants, and their highly cohesive gel is designed to shape to the natural mould of the breast to create a more natural, tear-drop appearance without running the risk of visible rotation, which is associated with teardrop implants.
In contrast, when a Motiva implant rotates in the breast pocket the cohesive gel will re-distribute to mimic the natural shape of the breast, which will ultimately eliminate the need for re-operation due to rotation. These are just some of the advantages of the new generation of implants, and you can find out more about why we use Motiva here.
Day procedure with minimal maintenance after post-operative period
An aspect of the breast augmentation procedure that often surprises patients is that in most cases, the operation takes less than 90 minutes. For the vast majority of women, breast augmentation is a day procedure and patients will be discharged a few hours following their operation. While everyone’s recovery is highly subjective, pain relief is provided and post-operative pain is often quite manageable. Other than following the post-operative guidelines and medication schedule, the breasts will settle and come into their natural shape by themselves, usually without the need for massage. It is suggested that patients wear a compression bra for 6-weeks following surgery to ensure optimal support and recovery, and after the 6-week mark they will be back to all normal activities.
Does not interfere with breast feeding or mammograms
There is a common misconception that breast augmentation interferes with life tasks such as breast feeding and routine mammograms. Breast Augmentation surgery is performed by incision via the inframammary fold, and in the creation of the pocket, no milk ducts are affected. As such, if a woman is naturally able to breast-feed, their breast augmentation should not affect this process. With regard to regular mammograms and the detection of breast cancer, it is simply required that you notify your mammogram technician of your breast implants, and they will take the necessary measures to ensure your scan is comprehensive.
While there are clear advantages of breast augmentation surgery for women seeking cosmetic enhancement, there are naturally downsides and risks associated with all surgical treatments that must be carefully considered before deciding whether breast augmentation surgery is right for you.
Risks associated with surgery
As with all surgery, there are inherent risks that must be accepted. Most risks are common to all surgical procedures performed under general anaesthetic, regardless of whether they are medical or cosmetic and include but are not limited to:
Double bubble may occur, when an implant shifts or migrates downwards into the breast crease, causing a visible “bubble” at the inferior/lower aspect of the breast
Capsular contracture can occur when scar tissue forms internally around the breast implant and can tighten creating visible distortion or discomfort. Many implant brands such as Motiva thankfully offer a warranty for capsular contracture.
Implant rupture is a risk associated with all implants, however more cohesive gels will prevent any leakage.
Infection can occur post-operatively, and you are given antibiotics to prevent the occurrence of infection. This is usually treated with a course of IV antibiotics if it occurs.
This is not an exhaustive list of the risks and possible complications. It is important to note that the aforementioned complications are rare, and most patients have a smooth recovery and enjoy the longevity of their implants for many years however it is important to acknowledge that any of these complications may occur.
Implants may need to be replaced
In the event of any of the aforementioned complications, you may feel it is necessary to replace your implants, or in rarer cases you may be advised to remove or replace your implants. In these instances, you will incur the full surgical fees, and this is something that patients should be prepared for when considering breast augmentation.
Results can change with skin, ageing etc.
There are many lifestyle factors that may affect your results in the long-term. Pregnancy and breast feeding can cause significant changes in the breasts and many patients feel after this journey they would like to replace their implants or even opt for a breast lift if required. Similarly significant fluctuations in weight, or general laxity of the skin due to the ageing process can create similar desires for patients. In these instances, patients will have to pay the full surgical fee which again is something women should be prepared for.
Must remain vigilant with regular ultrasounds and check-ups
While breast implants are low-maintenance, it is still important to remain vigilant with your regular implant checks which can add to the many health check-ups women in the 21st century need to stay on top op. Luckily, there are resources available to women to undergo these checks at no out-of-pocket expense. BRAS clinic in Brisbane provide patients with routine breast implant checks and referrals for breast ultrasounds at no out-of-pocket cost. Their goal is to provide women with safe, affordable breast implant health care.
To conclude..
The pros and cons discussed in this blog are just a few of the main considerations for women who are considering cosmetic breast augmentation. Ultimately, all surgical procedures carry risks, and your decision to undergo a breast augmentation should be well-researched, and accepting of all the costs and benefits. The most important considerations for women researching this topic is to choose a fully qualified plastic, reconstructive, and cosmetic surgeon and ensure that your consultation is thorough and covers all of the topics mentioned here. If you have any questions or would like to book a consultation with a fully qualified plastic surgeon, contact us today.
Due to COVID-19, Dr. Richardson is now conducting virtual consultations via phone or zoom call. These appointments are almost identical to face-to-face consultations.
low cost, low-risk option for patients in the research phase
can be conducted in isolation, from the comfort of your home
comprehensive pre-consultation module for a customised consultation, and post-consultation gift packs available