Minimizing Scarring Following Breast Augmentation in Brisbane | Brisbane Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery
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Minimizing Scarring Following Breast Augmentation in Brisbane

19th Aug, 2015

For individuals considering breast augmentation in Brisbane, the visibility of post-surgical scarring is a common consideration. With meticulous surgical techniques and proper post-operative care, the visibility of scarring can be greatly minimized.

Emphasis on Surgical Precision


When choosing a surgeon for breast augmentation, it is important to consider their professional background and approach to surgery. Dr. Phillip Richardson, with a focus on breast surgeries, employs refined techniques tailored to each patient’s unique needs, aiming to minimize scarring.

Incision options such as periareolar, inframammary, or transaxillary will be discussed during your consultation. Dr. Richardson will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the most suitable approach, ensuring incisions are discreet.

Post-Operative Care


Effective post-operative care is crucial in minimizing scarring. Patients are advised to avoid activities that may stress the incision areas.

A surgical garment is recommended for the first six weeks post-surgery to support the healing process. It is important to refrain from driving for one to two weeks and to avoid strenuous activities for at least six weeks.

Adequate rest and a nutritious diet are essential for recovery. Assistance from friends or family post-surgery can contribute to a more comfortable healing period.

Supportive Aftercare Products

15696Once the incision has sufficiently healed, some patients may choose to use scar reduction gels or silicone gel sheeting to aid in the healing process. These products are designed to maintain moisture at the incision site and prevent scab formation. Dr. Richardson can provide recommendations for these products if desired.

original_inline_doctorFor those seeking breast augmentation in Brisbane, Dr. Phillip Richardson and his team are committed to providing comprehensive care throughout the surgical journey. To inquire further or to arrange a consultation, please reach out to our office.

Posted on August 19, 2015 By , in
Dr. Philip Richardson

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