Brisbane Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

Considerations for Post-Pregnancy Breast Surgery in Brisbane

breast augmentation in Brisbane after pregnancy

Welcoming a child into the world is a significant life event. While parenthood comes with its challenges, it’s also a period filled with rewarding experiences. Some mothers may notice physical changes post-pregnancy that they wish to address.

Changes in body shape, including the breasts, are common after pregnancy. For those who are considering surgical options, breast surgery in Brisbane is available to address these physical changes.

Understanding Breast Surgery

This surgical procedure involves modifications to the breast’s shape or size using medical-grade implants. These implants come in various specifications to cater to the medical needs of the patient.

Assessing Suitability for Breast Surgery

Mothers considering this procedure can discuss their physical concerns with Dr. Phil Richardson. During a comprehensive consultation, Dr. Richardson will conduct a physical assessment and discuss the various implant options, ensuring you have all the necessary information to make an informed decision.

Procedure Overview

The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. Incisions are made following medical protocols, and the chosen implants are placed with precision. The method of insertion and positioning will depend on your specific anatomical and medical requirements. The incisions are then closed using medical sutures.

Post-Surgery Considerations

Post-operative care includes wearing a supportive garment to aid in recovery. It’s normal to expect some temporary swelling. Our nursing team will be in contact to monitor your recovery, with follow-up appointments scheduled over the next year. Patients are generally advised to limit certain activities, such as driving and lifting, for a period following the surgery to facilitate healing. Dr. Richardson is available to discuss any specific concerns regarding post-operative care.

Why Choose Dr. Phil Richardson?

Dr. Phil Richardson is experienced in a range of breast surgeries, focusing on providing thorough care. For those considering breast surgery following childbirth, Brisbane Plastic Surgery offers detailed consultations to explore your options.

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