Surgical recovery actually begins before the procedure has even taken place. As early as consultation, Dr. Richardson will discuss your needs after surgery to ensure that you are well prepared for breast surgery recovery in Brisbane. You will be provided with detailed instructions prior to surgery, which will be explained again once the procedure is performed. These instructions and suggestions will ensure a healthy and speedy recovery. It is imperative that you follow his instructions carefully so that you can achieve the results you are looking for. He designs his guidelines to increase the longevity of your breasts.
After your procedure, you may experience exhaustion and mild discomfort. It is important that you rest during these few days and not over-exert yourself as to not stress the surgical site. You can expect sensation to change for some time after surgery, including some shooting pain and tingling sensations. These are normal and will eventually fade.
A surgical crop top garment will be provided to aid in recovery and reduce skin irritation on your incision sites. It is best to wear it for the initial six weeks after surgery. You’ll also be provided with necessary medications. These will include antibiotics, pain relief, and any other pertinent prescriptions, all of which are crucial to post-op care. You’ll be released into the care of a responsible adult and sent home to rest.
Patients should anticipate a phone call from one of Dr. Richardson’s practice nurses to check in on you and to schedule the initial follow up visit. Dr. Richardson and his team will monitor your recovery through frequent checkups.He schedules follow up consultations one week, six weeks, six months, and twelve months after your operation to monitor your recovery.
It is best to avoid certain activities for a period of time following surgery, so as not to cause any pain, harm, or risk for infection after the procedure. Driving should be avoided for one to two weeks. Strenuous activity, including lifting or pushing and gym activity should be avoided for a minimum of six weeks.
Undergoing breast surgery is a rewarding experience that can radically transform your life. Do not put yourself at risk of injury. Trust the skilled care of Dr. Richardson and his team for surgery and post-operative care. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation by reaching us online or by calling 1300 789 240.